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This is sort of an addendum to the FFD squash and stretch post and I recently figured this out of the last stylised show I worked on.
I've never been one for pinning controls to the face, I usually rely on constraint averaging to lighten up the face rigs.
However having said that, did you know if you use a FFD you can deform you controls? I mean...why not its just curves at the end of the day.
How you can set it up.
By using the relationship editor in legacy mode. first start by turning tagging off. Preferences/Animation/Rigging:
turn off: Use component tags for deformation component subsets.
Feel free to use tagging
Next in the Relationship Editors/Deformer Editors select to assign the geo and curves that you wish to be associated you can safety select groups. Maya respects only stuff it can use.
You face rig should follow the FFD cage when it deforms.