Chitty chitty bang bang in Abu Dhabi
Just came off a great job that involved the setup of many different types of vehicles. Backstory So Apparently In Abu Dhabi there's a much loved past time that involves taken a beaten old FWD suping it up with a crazy intake engines and racing it up a hill at high speeds. From what I gather first one engine to explode loses. Fun!!!
This video was taken from the final animation that screened at the LIWA festival in 2023. The client is attracted to a video of a 3dsmax plugin called Madcar, but of course we are using Maya. In particular the contact and the reaction to the collisions on the ground. Back in 2015 i set off to create a ground contact system that only relies on a motion path and some geometry and normal constraints.
We get the collision to work and its working well but the system feels off still
Damping? So there's nothing really new about using Mayas nhair to drive hair dynamically. But it turned out it also has its place on vehicle rigs. The client obviously knew a lot about vehicles and keeps coming back to a concept called damping. Below is how damping works on a motorcycle fork system.
The oil's volume does not change : the immersed part of the piston's stem pushes an equivalent volume of oil in the external chamber.
Reversing it?
This system is more visible on motorbikes and ATV vehicles. The question is how do we reverse engineer it, nhair to the rescue! Turns out on nhair and ncloth there's great feature called damping that can achieve great suspension result.
You can you something similar to this setup to achieve it. In this example I use a couple of joint chains constrained to the main control of the vehicle.